THe Investigator

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Vol 55 No 3 2022

  • Daryl Wight reminds readers of Stieglitz boom times
  • With the discovery of gold its population soared
  • But when prospects soured the Anglicans departed and the Wesleyans filled the void

A Geelong newspaper.

Vol 55 No 3 2021

  • A report of the short but lively history of the Geelong Chronicle
  • It catalogues the ingenuity and skills of its founder
  • From Geelong to Steiglitz this paper mirrored the fortunes of our region
Shepherd, R., 1825-1885, artist. Date 1857
Image of Steiglitz SLV Shepherd, R., 1825-1885, artist. Date 1857

The Wesleyans Arrive in Steiglitz

In 1865, Steiglitz was in the midst of its latest gold rush. The locality was home to over 2,000 inhabitants (predominantly male), many mining claims, at least five hotels, a Court-house, a Public Library and Mechanics’ Institute, a Manchester Unity Lodge and a cricket team. 

There was a school, formerly run by the Church of England. The school-room was also used for services – although the Church of England mnister had left the district in April. Was it the prospect of a God-less Steiglitz that spurred the Wesleyans into action?

Photo of Thomas Allen Sidders

The Geelong Chronicle

This is an edited version of an address to the Geelong Historical Society given by the author, Daryl Wight, in November 2019. It was subsequently published in the Investigator in September 2021.

The proprietor was Thomas Allen Sidders, of Belmont. He was a fearless correspondent and for a time in the 1860s he ran one of Geelong’s most popular newspapers.

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Sketch of Geelong circa 1840