Celebrating 80 years of Service in 2024

The Geelong Historical Society

investigating geelong’s history

Fostering research that explores Geelong’s rich history.

The Geelong Historical Society was founded in 1944, and is dedicated to fostering and presenting historical research, and collaborating with exhibitions and public programs, to highlight the historical significance of Geelong and District.

For further information, please see our current Lecture Syllabus in Lectures.

join us at one of eleven monthly events

Investigating our past to enrich our future

80 Years of Research and Publishing

We publish the Investigator magazine four times a year. It is distributed to financial members as part of their $35 annual subscription. Past issues can also be purchased for $10, per set of 4, for the years 1976-2021. You can read extracts from the magazine by clicking the links below or become a member to subscribe.

Exploring what we stand for

Our Objectives

Holding Monthly Meetings with a Lecture or guest speaker
Holding Annual General Meetings and Quarterly Executive Committee Meetings
Publishing of the quarterly Investigator magazine
Excursions held in Spring and Autumn
Publishing Books and Pamphlets
Providing information on Geelong and District history
Commemorating historical sites with memorials or plaques
Collecting and preserving historical documents and artefacts
Assisting in the preservation of historical buildings and structures

We Acknowledge the Wadawurrung People, the Traditional Owners of the Land upon which we live.